I still find myself stuck on both hardware and software projects. I find it difficult to find any enjoyment in software development, especially web development, so instead, I have turned to MediaCow Touch 2 for the time being when not doing anything else.
MediaCow Touch 2
I plan to have the Part 12 blog post out soon. It covers the implementation of the side-mounted display.
Personal situation from the last week has improved though it is still not ideal. Political situations in the United States are ever worsening. It is February already but hopefully this month, I will be more productive.
January 30, 2025 VCU LUG meeting
On January 30, 2025, I attended an official VCU LUG meeting for the first time. Due to these meetings usually being held at 7 PM, I am unable to attend as attending requires me to drive to Richmond from Midlothian in darkness which I have limited experience driving at night. For some background: I have received my license in late May 2024 with almost zero night driving experience that I would otherwise be required to have if my driver's exam was done by the DMV. On January 9th, Richmond, Virginia suffered from the water main break that happened earlier that week which resulted VCU being closed for the week and there being virtually no traffic in downtown Richmond.
This time, I used Uber instead of attempting to drive there myself which was about US$60 in total; US$~30 each way. Without much thought, I ended up thanking the driver multiple times each way due to the amount of effort, stress and possible danger that they alleviated for me and my parents.
The meeting was about attempting to install Slackware Linux 2.3 on the AST Advantage Adventure 6066D desktop that I have seen the last time I was there on January 9th. After many floppy disk read errors, we were able to install Slackware 2.3 onto the hard drive and boot into it.
QTS Richmond
On February 1, I drove to QTS Richmond and back to see how long of a drive it is. It is a bit longer than driving to 2nd Life Inc, about 15 miles more, but I think it would be worth it if I were to be employed there.