Week 14, 2024

I am a bit late on the blog post due to working on NetKart and having to complete a scheduled server backup on Sunday, April 8 along with the development of a large update to the website that is still in progress. I had to get the code compilable again to be able to release this post.

I may start releasing these blog posts on Mondays after the conclusion of the last week as interesting things may and have happened on Sundays after I wrote blog posts covering the week. I always consider the beginning of the week to be Monday.


Instead of just software, me and my father have been making great progress with NetKart Phase 2.


With software projects, I have started to explore the use of databases with Rust-based web applications.


I have decided to start working on CAMS once I have finished the Rust version of ContactList as they are quite similar. It is unknown when I am going to get a working version of ContactList done but an obvious timeline would be before 2025.


I have been doing more research on how ContactList would be structured and how it would manage its database. I have messaged with some on the development team for the Rust Diesel ORM to get some ideas on how to efficiently generate and use database schema defined in a configuration file like how the original Python-based ContactList managed its database.

The Website

This week, I have started to work on a new release adding more features to the website.

During April 3, 2024, I have went through and either fixed or completely rewritten content for pages under "Projects". This was in response to me constantly discovering bad grammar and missing content throughout these pages.


As usual, the only mechanical project I have worked on is NetKart.

NetKart Phase 2

We decided that we would start working on welding the frame before continuing work on the mechanical parts such as engine modification and mounting. My experience from this project has siginficantly improved my welding skills.

The welder jammed once again, but this was after the set screw for the wire feed section broke off, this effectively stopped us from welding any more during that session. This was fixed on Sunday, April 7 while I fabricated a proper engine mount.


Week 14 was somewhat personally difficult at the beginning. I have continued to work towards getting my drivers license so I could be able to attend more functions.


On April 4, 2024, I attended a meeting at VCU LUG covering the use of Git and GitHub. I have seen some that I have not seen in person for several years.

I found out the section of the VCU Engineering building where the classroom was is in a section called the "Qimonda Atrium" that must have been named that since 2005-2008 with the large presence in the Richmond, Virginia area that Siemens/Motorola, then Infineon, then Qimonda had from 1996 to 2009.


On April 6, 2024, I had a surprise session with friends where we drove to various places within Midlothian and Richmond.