Week 30, 2024


The Website, ContactList and ToDoKiosk

I pushed tiny and quick updates to various webapps that I worked on. The updates covered the removal of the use of SCSS/Sass. The updates also covered any obvious and near-effortless code optimizations.

I archived the Python versions of the website (ctclsite), ContactList and SLAG and excluded them from GitHub stats.


As mentioned in the Week 28, 2024 Blog Post, I came up with an idea for a CSS framework. I initially called it "ncss" but on July 26, 2024, I gave it a more interesting name, "Lysine".

The name is derived from the function of the stimulant medication, lisdexamfetamine. The compilier (metabolization by red blood cells) processes the syntax (lysine) with the result of usable styling data (dextroamphetamine).

With the push to complete MediaCow Touch 2 along with the use of Tera for styling data being sufficient, I do not expect to work on Lysine any time soon.

On July 27, 2024, I made a logo for Lysine along with a description in the README.md file.

MediaCow Touch 2

My progress this week is covered by the blog post MediaCow Touch 2 - Part 3.

MediaCow Touch Mini SP7021

As mentioned before, I will not work on anything other than MediaCow Touch 2 and maintaining this website until MediaCow Touch 2 is completed.

On July 23, 2024, I created the repository for design files of MediaCow Touch Mini SP7021 that officially uses the codename "Floyds Knobs".


The impact from the events of the previous week has worsened. It is likely that the emotions I feel are mostly fueled by the guilt of the fact that it took over a year to find out what happened with Leinfors. By the end of the week, I have started to accept what happened and move on.