Week 33, 2024


MediaCow Touch 2

Main article: MediaCow Touch 2 - Part 7

I am starting to see an end to the schematic development stage.


I have been getting some ideas down for Lysine. The syntax would be mostly based off from the Tera templating engine. Lysine would be the first thing that is considered a programming language that I'll attempt to make.


As college nears, I have put together some plans for continuing the development of SLAG.


This week, I had my second trip out of three trips this month. This time I went to Atlantic Beach, North Carolina from Thursday, August 15, 2024 to Sunday, August 18, 2024. On the third trip, I plan to not work on MediaCow Touch 2 at all.


This week, the development of MediaCow Touch 2 has started to get depressing in a way. During the trip to Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, which is more of an actual vacation than a business trip, I have seemed to push for the development of the project more than enjoying the vacation. I have been feeling guilt about it the entire time I have been there.

I am still not sure what actual requirements that the LattePanda Team has for the project by the deadline of September 1, 2024. For the longest time, I have been working on the schematic as it is one of the most critical parts of the design.

I have been feeling a great amount of burnout from working on the project to the point where I don't feel like working on any kind of project, even software projects.