Week 34, 2024


MediaCow Touch 2

See MediaCow Touch 2 - Part 8


I plan to get a working version of a Lysine compilier, called 'Hydrolysis', completed before I work on any more web software such as CAMS and ContactList. It may be a while before I return to software work so I expect little, if not nothing, to be done with Lysine for the time being.

Two repositories were created recently, named "hydrolysis-rust" and "hydrolysis-python". As CAMS and ContactList are planned to be written in Rust, I would work on the Rust version of Hydrolysis. The Python version exists to have the language available to Python users. I may consider porting Hydrolysis to Lua (for example, use with Lapis) if I nothing else to do.

The Website

I have been considering a plan to split the website's code and content into separate repositories.


This week, I went on the third trip. This time, I did not do any work on MediaCow Touch 2 other than finishing up the Part 8 blog post.

Vacation 3: On the Beaten Path

This week, I went on the third vacation with my father which was to a motorsports park right next to the border of West Virginia. I did something very similar back in June 2022.

The Side-by-Side

What we drove on the trails was presumably a 2024 Polaris RZR XP 1000 ULTIMATE. It was quite powerful, especially compared to the Yamaha SXS we drove in 2022.

To our surprise, it had a touchscreen interface with GPS, rear-view camera, smartphone integration and a video on startup. The system did not have that much processing power. The GPS location would update once per second and sometimes visual lag was seen. My guess it was using something like an NXP/Freescale i.MX6SLL ARM SoC, which is all it would need with well-optimized software. This shows that it is possible and practical to put a touchscreen computer on a vehicle of this class. I got good insight what I could do with NetKart though NetKart (Phase 3)'s goal is to have more combined processing power than a current-year Tesla Model S or Cybertruck, which is going to be neither an easy or inexpensive feat.

While we were driving back to the park in a 55 mile per hour zone, I have noticed that the top speed is electronically limited to 45 miles per hour. That is understandable since it is not designed for use on roads and in a lot of cases, such as on trails, driving that fast would be dangerous.


An interesting thing I noticed a day after we got back home (August 25, 2024) is that on the way to the trailhead, we pass through the town of Bramwell which is less than a mile southwest of the town of Freeman that has the zip code 24724. This zipcode is referenced in the game Half-Life 2.

OpenStreetMap contributors