Week 42, 2024


Python and Rust

I mentioned in the previous blog post that I was considering switching back to Python for web development. I decided to continue using Rust for web development as I determined that the effort of re-learning Python Flask or Django outweighed the benefit of using Python.


On October 18, I have started to do some work on NetWiki but I eventually got stuck on how to have the application interface a database. Doing anything with databases have been a major obstacle since I started working on any kind of web application.

"Polybutylene Terephthalate"

I do not know what else to use to refer to this desktop, so long codename it is.

On October 14, I decided to start working on switching Linux Mint XFCE for Linux Mint Cinnnamon. As result of the backup process, I pushed commits to repositories that I have not pushed yet. It does not mean that I am working on these projects.

Linux Mint Cinnamon was a fresh experience and so far, I have enjoyed it more than XFCE.

I have noticed the bugs in KiCAD caused by Cinnamon, which was mentioned in the installation guide.


On October 21, 2024, I set back up an existing Minecraft server for an online community after finding the server files which I thought I lost for good. Supposedly, the server was hosted on SVCS2 "Lisdexamfetamine" but it is hosted on SVCS3 "Dextroamphetamine" as the latter is better configured for single-thread workloads such as game servers.


Recently, on October 10, I decided to swap out the Raspberry Pi for the Intel Atom desktop that I used originally for showing the To-Do list with ToDoKiosk. As I have not done anything with the system since it was used for ToDoKiosk last, setting up the desktop was simply the matter of plugging it in, connecting it to the monitor and pressing the power button.


The lack of personal organization, prioritization and executive functioning still remains to hinder productivity. October is already halfway through and I feel as I have not done anything of note.

I still think of MediaCow Touch 2 and how I have not done as much with the project as I wanted to.