
For the side-mounted display see Side-Mounted Display page under SMEC.

Choosing the display used in MediaCow Touch 2 was one of the first research efforts in the project during the 2024 development period.

Display Selection

I prefer AAS (Azimuthal Anchoring Switch) IPS technology that is specific to Innolux panels.

At first, after weeks of research, I decided to use the 11.6" touchscreen from DFRobot as it is intended for use with LattePanda systems, including the Mu. It was also the lowest cost option for a display of its size and resolution.

Late in 2024, I found out that laptop displays with integrated touchscreens can be found inexpensively though often they are 13.3" or larger. Though I am already reaching the limit of what could be printed on 3D printers available to me, I may be able to use panels up to 14".

On February 15, 2025, I decided to use the Innolux N140JCN-GS9 over the DFRobot FIT0955 display and the case design was updated to reflect this. This has the device very close to the 350mm x 350mm limit of the 3D printer currently available at a local makerspace; Build, RVA.

Display Adapter PCB

A display adapter PCB was designed to convert the 40-pin, 4-lane eDP connector of the LattePanda Mu to the 40-pin, 2-lane + touchscreen eDP connector of the N140JCN-GS9.

I left a separate connector for USB data since the connector has pins for both I2C and USB, left reserved if the specific bus is not used. For example, on the N140JCN-GS9 specifically does not have so the USB pins are left unused. This pinout may not be specific to Innolux so other, equivalent, panels may be supported.

The USB and I2C connectors on the adapter PCB should not be both connected at the same time.

TODO: list pinout here