SLAG is a bot for the management of Discord guilds. SLAG is an initialism of "Security, Logging, Analytics and General Purpose". The logo is based off from this, with the goal of the bot to be "solid as steel". The project was started on January 24, 2024 in response to myself becoming president of a school club.
SLAG is the first project where I have written SQL statements for setting up databases. Its development has been a great learning experience.
I am aware what "Slag" means in British English. That was not the original intention behind the name. There are no plans to change the name of the project (it's too funny).
For privacy information about instances operated by myself, see the Privacy Policy.
Python version
The Python version came first, with its development starting on January 24, 2024. The codename for the Python version is "Channel Catfish".
Details of the bot including its features and code can be found at its repostitory.
Rust version
I started the Rust version of the software on February 21, 2024 due to general discontent with Python including performance and runtime errors (that would be otherwise caught during compile time). The codename for the Rust version of SLAG is "Black-footed Ferret".
Development at first was too difficult so I ended up rewriting both the website and ToDoKiosk in Rust to better familiarize myself with the programming language before taking on SLAG. After the rewrite of both of those web applications, I now understand Rust enough to be able to start working on SLAG.
Details of the Rust version can be found at its repostitory.
Micron Module
SLAG and CTCL are not associated with Micron Technology or any of its subsidiaries.
The Micron module is designed to have minimal amount of web requests sent to Micron servers for the sole purpose of retrieving part information associated with an FBGA code.